Tuesday, November 23, 2010

An Open Letter to Raz-B

Found this ^^ over at Rhymes With Snitch and just had to comment.

Dear Raz-B,

I'm gonna start off by saying that I'm not going to judge you and that this letter is not an attempt to throw any type of shade. To be honest, I don't know if what you've said about your former bandmates is true in full, in part or not at all. I wasn't there, it wasn't me and it doesn't matter.

Because that's not what I want to talk about.

What I want to talk about is your whole approach. Blame aside, turning an alleged molestation into a side show while promoting your album at the SAME TIME just isn't a good look. The reason why people are criticizing you is not (necessarily) because they don't believe you.

It's because your actions are sketchy.

Did you hear me? S-K-E-T-C-H-Y.

Even if all of this stuff is true, you're still trying to sell an album and we all know that you've gotta get publicity somehow. I'm not saying that you shouldn't make music anymore or that you shouldn't speak your mind. But what I am saying is that you need to PICK A LANE.

And stay in it.

Either you promote your album or you go to court and handle your business. But if  I see another crazy ass tweet about "booty rape" (your words not mine) next to a tweet that says "Have you bought my new album yet" I'm going to throat chop you.

That is all.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving,


The Bossiest Black Girl You Will Ever Meet.


  1. *DEAD* at this letter. I have wanted to post my thoughts about Raz-B for a while now, but I just don't have the energy to write about him.

    Everything you said was true; his story gets harder and harder to believe when he jumps from "I was molested!" to "Buy my album!"

    That tweet definitely doesn't help the rumors he is trying to disprove about him being bipolar. There were like 20 different thoughts in one tweet. I WILL be praying for him.

  2. I'm glad you didn't take a judgemental approach. I wish someone in his circle would write him a similar letter or at least help steer him away from World Star Hip Hop...
